Division of the Humanities
The University of Chicago stands as a global leader in humanistic scholarship, serving as a beacon for students and scholars seeking to illuminate the significance of our disciplines in higher education.
Today your gift to the humanities goes further! Thanks to Humanities Advisory Council member Christopher Bradley, AB’99, we will receive an additional $5,000 when we reach 150 donors to any area of the division.
Across 16 departments in the Division of the Humanities, we nurture our distinctive approach to research and practice by establishing new signature programs in the arts, enhancing support for graduate student scholarships, and highlighting faculty excellence. Whether through languages, art, philosophy, or literature, the humanities empower us to address important questions and seek profound truths about ourselves, our communities, and our impact on the future.
Your gift enables us to cultivate the next generation of humanists by providing financial support for graduate students, research funding, and pedagogical training and support for our scholars.