Giving Day at UChicago is a highly anticipated event each year—thanks to the UChicago boosters who spread the word and encourage fellow alumni, family, and friends to support the University. Take a moment to make a difference for UChicago people, programs, and ideas by sharing your voice on social.
Follow #UChiGivingDay to see all the updates from around the world!
Social tool kit
Social media ambassadors are an integral part of UChicago’s success on Giving Day. Ambassadors help promote Giving Day by sharing why they support UChicago and encouraging their friends and family to follow #UChiGivingDay from March 10 to 26.
Ready to get started? Email to learn more about becoming a social media ambassador.
Check out responses to a couple of Giving Day questions to use as conversation starters.
What is Giving Day at UChicago?
Giving Day is 24 hours of collaborative fundraising to support the University of Chicago’s students, faculty, and world-changing research. Giving Day also magnifies the power of each gift—of $1 or more—through targeted matches and challenges from generous donors. Most of all, Giving Day is an opportunity to come together to support a variety of UChicago’s schools, divisions, programs, and initiatives—closing the gaps not filled by tuition or endowment funds.
What does a gift support?
Everything! Gifts can be directed to the schools, departments, research initiatives, campus activities, or programs that mean the most to the donor, or they can be applied to areas of greatest need. What matters most is that everyone who gives becomes part of building UChicago for tomorrow.
Want more resources? Download the ambassador tool kit, which provides information and sample copy for social media posts. You can also visit our FAQ page.